Release Andrei Gnyot! Urgent Call for the Release of Belarusian Filmmaker Andrei Gnyot
11 Jul 2024

The Belarusian Independent Film Academy demands that filmmaker and activist Andrei Gnyot be released from Serbian prison and not be extradited back to Belarus. In Belarus he faces imprisonment, torture and even the death penalty.

Andrei Gnyot is known for making documentary footage during the Belarus 2020 protests and recording athletes' appeals for free and fair elections. He is being prosecuted by the Belarusian regime for these activities. Andrei was arrested in Serbia because Interpol has accepted the request of the Belarusian regime to search for him. Later Interpol cancelled the search request; however, Serbia did not release Andrei, and the danger is that he could be extradited any moment. 


Andrei Gnyot is recognised by international human rights organisations as a political prisoner.


The Belarusian regime continues to persecute active citizens years after the rigged presidential elections in 2020 to destroy any manifestation of dissent. Searches, arrests, and torture continue unabatedly in Belarus.


No civilized country or international organization co-operates with Belarus in the search for and extradition of fugitive politically active Belarusians.


We urge international organizations, and human rights groups to appeal to the Serbian authorities to prevent the extradition of Andrei Gnyot to Belarus and to secure his immediate release. Time is of the essence; act now to save Andrei Gnyot.